Deployment reports

Deployment reports contain historical information about deployments, such as the total number of deployment runs and the average duration of those runs.

To run a deployment report, select the filters at the top of the report, including the date range and application, and then click Run.

Deployment average duration
This report provides average deployment times for applications that ran during a specified reporting period. The report provides both a tabular presentation and line graph of the data.
Deployment total duration
This report provides total deployment times for applications that ran during a specified reporting period. The report provides both a tabular presentation and line graph of the data.
Deployment count
This report provides information about the number of deployments that ran during a specified reporting period. The report provides both a tabular presentation and a line graph of the data.
Deployment detail
This report shows all deployments for the specified applications, environments, and users in the specified time period. Each report row represents a deployment that ran during the reporting period and matches the filter conditions.
z/OS search
This search feature helps you search for a file name or version name in z/OS components in all environments and applications. Use this to search for a deployed artifact and find historical deployment information about the artifact. You can also search artifacts in rolled back versions using Deploy-datasets/ rollback step in the z/OS utility plug-in, which in its process updates the database inventory of the affected artifacts.
Refine your search result by using the following approaches:
  • Use wildcard syntax (*) after you enter a partial file or version name.
  • Limit the search scope by selecting any one of the applications, environments or components. The component filter is exclusive to an application or environment filter.
  • The search report displays the deployments done in z/OS agent v7.3.1 and later, and plug-in z/OS-Utility v80 and later.

  • By default, the search result shows active records that match the searched criteria. You can include inactive records by selecting the Show Inactive Records checkbox.
  • File name search is case-insensitive and version name search is case-sensitive.
  • The File name or Version name are required fields for searches.

The z/OS search report shows information in the columns below:

Table 1. z/OS Search report columns
Column Description
Filename, Inputs, Version Name, and Deploy Type Uses values from the version shiplist.xml file.
Component, Version, Deployment Time, Application, Environment, Status These columns provide you deployment information based on the deployment target.
Target Indicates the target PDS/PS or USS directory where the artifact is copied.
Target Type Specifies the type of artifacts.
Operation Type Shows the nature of action performed on the artifact in the target. For example, DEPLOY for created and updated artifacts, and DELETE for deleted artifacts.

For information about saving and printing reports, see Saving and printing reports.